Forward into the future
WITF has a rich history in Central Pennsylvania. Since our founding in 1963 as the South Central Educational Broadcasting Council, WITF has been a trusted, valued supplier of programs and services that both satisfy and stimulate curiosity for residents in every community in over 19 counties across the region. Our vision has always been to strengthen our communities by providing information and opportunities for engagement.
In July 2023, Steinman Communications, Inc. of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, gifted their legacy newspaper, LNP|LancasterOnline, to WITF, and set us on a path to innovate a new model for local news, community education and civic engagement in Central Pennsylvania. With seed funding from The Steinman Foundation, WITF also established The Steinman Institute for Civic Engagement (TSI) to support the development of this new model and to advance innovations in the areas of local news consumption and delivery, media literacy and ways in which citizens participate in civic life.
Here are highlights of what our combined organization has accomplished since July:
- Pennon Education, formerly known as WITF Education, engaged nearly 6,000 educators in professional learning and processed over 11,000 hours of continuing education credits.
- Pennon Education also designed and launched a new STEM & Innovation Studio and Creator Studio at the Public Media Center, welcoming nearly 1,000 young learners through community engagement events and field trips in the studios’ inaugural year.
- WITF, LNP and TSI partnered with Franklin & Marshall College to hold two deliberative forums, a community-building experience designed to cultivate civil dialogue and consensus decision-making about pressing local issues.
- TSI is sponsoring a regional chapter of Press Forward, a national movement designed to ensure the long-term sustainability of local news and information, which will support local journalists and news outlets.
- TSI is making additional investments in WITF and LNP to support quality journalism and newsroom innovation, including new beats, expanded coverage and unparalleled reporting of local government throughout Lancaster County and the region.
In addition to these accomplishments, this year has been one of deep listening and reflection, as we have worked to integrate two trusted organizations and chart a path forward. As part of this process, we conducted extensive research … and we have learned a lot!
While we have a wonderful audience, there is much more we can do to better connect with and reflect all the communities we serve.
We must transition to digital delivery of our products as quickly as possible or we risk becoming obsolete.
Building trust and making connections with the next generation of news and information consumers will be critical to our success.
Thank you for all your support as members of our most loyal audience! We now look to the future, with a renewed vision for a connected and engaged community committed to lifelong learning, local news and information. We hope that we can count on your continued support and engagement as we take bold steps to lead the way for journalism and education in Central Pennsylvania.

Ron Hetrick
WITF President & CEO

Janice Snyder
Chair, WITF Board of Directors
WITF Board of Directors
Janice Snyder, Chair
Camp Hill
Leigh Horner, Vice Chair
William Anderson
Jane Conover
Anthony Conte**
Camp Hill
Susan Eckert, Immediate Past Chair
Michael Frey**
Jennifer Gilburg**
David Gonzalez
Ron Hetrick, III
James Hoehn
Dr. Nikole Hollins-Sims
Charles Hooker
Camp Hill
Masai Lawson
Dr. Shou Ling Leong
Edward Neff
Willow Street
Susan Pera
Camp Hill
Lisa Ritter
Dr. Pedro Rivera
Alex Snyder
Matthew Stem
Gail Sterman**
Willow Street
Anne Van Itallie*
Patricia Vance
Sandra Wege
*Leave of absence **Partial term
Building a brighter future

In September 2024, we announced the launch of Pennon — a new home for WITF as we work alongside LNP|LancasterOnline and The Steinman Institute for Civic Engagement to strengthen trust in local journalism. A pennon is a flag or banner often flown at the front of a ship, a fitting metaphor for a public media organization dedicated to forging a new path forward in community-centered journalism and education.
The name “Pennon” subtly echoes the name of our home state, Pennsylvania, too. It reminds us of our deep responsibility to serve our community — and the commonwealth — with the news, information and entertainment that matters most to them.

Pennon Education engages lifelong learners with developmentally appropriate, timely and rigorous educational experiences. The core of our mission is to address opportunity gaps in our community by offering high-quality, inquiry-based academic experiences to learners who might not otherwise have them.
We engage learners in innovative literacy programs that address fundamental shifts in the media and information landscape, support educators with science and technology resources that align with PA’s adoption of STEM (STEELS) standards and amplify youth voices. Our programs are implemented in schools, after-school and out-of-school programs, higher education and the community so we can reach learners of every age.
The WITF News team has worked tirelessly to engage with our audience, reach new audiences, and produce news stories that focus on the issues most important to our community. The team hosted four News & Brews and co-hosted A Candidate’s Night to Listen, all designed with community issues and civic engagement in mind. Climate Solutions | StateImpact PA collaborated with Sankofa African American Theatre Company to present Between Hevan & Eartha: A Not-So-Tall Tale About Climate Change — a unique play written by Francesca Amendolia and Sharia Benn about the impact of climate change — at Gamut Theatre in Harrisburg, too. The team remains committed to collaborative, insightful journalism that centers and uplifts our communities.

WITF produces audio and video content that highlights the fascinating people and unique places of Central Pennsylvania. We often connect with and amplify national efforts from our content partners, PBS and NPR, including shows like Finding Your Roots and All Creatures Great and Small. Every year is an adventure which uncovers new surprises. We’re grateful for your on-going support to make it all possible.
Story of impact
WITF News special project editor Tim Lambert took on a story that had an extra personal touch — he documented his father’s experience in the military as a participant in Operation Grable, an atomic cannon test in 1953. It was the first and only test of a tactical nuclear device fired from a cannon.
In May 2024, the piece was honored with regional Edward R. Murrow Awards in three categories: feature reporting, digital and excellence
in sound. In August 2024, it won a national Edward R. Murrow Award in the best use of sound category.
WITF digital producer Jeremy Long, head videographer Doug Watson and senior motion/interactive designer Tom Downing all worked with Tim to develop the digital presentation of the story.
To produce the piece, Tim interviewed his father, Tom, and used sound from historical footage to bring the story to life.

WITF has been recognized by the Radio Television Digital News Association with three Regional Edward R. Murrow Awards. Since 2006, WITF has received 90 RTDNA regional Murrows – the most of any organization in Pennsylvania.

Pennon Education received a grant to develop an original animated character, Tiara “Tia” Flora — a bilingual 9.5-year-old girl with ADHD who just moved from Puerto Rico to Harrisburg. She tackles homesickness, self-esteem, multilingualism and friendship. The animated series will launch in 2024-25, but you can meet her at community events now.

We celebrated MASTERPIECE’s popular drama, All Creatures Great and Small, with a sold-out preview
screening at the WITF Public Media Center. World War II was featured heavily in the series, so WITF provided a WWII canteen-themed experience with storytelling from historians and live music from Lancaster’s Corsair Blue Jazz Orchestra.

This fall, Climate Solutions | StateImpact PA collaborated with Sankofa African American Theater Company to produce Between Hevan & Eartha: A Not-So-Tall Tale About Climate Change. The play aimed to engage new audiences in climate solutions journalism and was later adapted to an audio performance for WITF 89.5 & 93.3.

Pennon Education serves as the Multilingual Education Professional Learning consultant to the Pennsylvania Department of Education, providing workshops and conferences that help schools meet the needs of multilingual learners. The U.S. Library of Congress has recognized our work, and had research published by Teachers College Press this spring.

What can Pennsylvania learn from a coal town in Washington state? StateImpact PA reporter Rachel McDevitt and WITF digital producer Jeremy Long visited Centralia, Washington, to learn how the town’s coal power plant was easing the community’s transition away from coal through Coal Transition Fund grants.

FY24 Revenue
State Grants
Other Income (Loss)
Federal Grants
Ancillary Media Service
Community Support

Corporate Sponsorships
Memberships & Contributions
Program & Other Support

FY24 Expenses
Promotion & Outreach
Educational & Media Services
General & Administrative
Television & Radio Services
Audience Statistics

1,760,000 Streams Monthly

PBS Video via WITF
100,500 Streams Monthly

WITF 89.5 & 93.3
552,684 Listeners Monthly

WITF Podcasts
27,528 Downloads Monthly

@WITFMosaic on YouTube
15,193 Views Monthly

WITF Newsletters
66,855 Deliveries Monthly

212,727 Pageviews Monthly
118,753 Unique Users Monthly
Al Adams
Mrs. Marion & Dr. William Alexander
Dr. Bruce Alton
Dr. Jay & Mrs. Patricia Anderson
Mr. William Anderson
Mr. Paul & Mrs. Rose Anderson
Mrs. Alice & Mr. Bart Anderson
Dr. Rashid & Mrs. Amina Anjum
Ms. Tina Antonicelli
Ms. Melinda Ashcroft
Miss Lin Au
Thomas Austin & Donna Hale
Elizabeth & Matt Ayers
Troy & Joanne Bakel
Dr. Mary Ellen Banks
Ms. Valerie Barnes
Bruce Bartels
Shaun Basalik
Mr. Walter & Mrs. Nancy Bashaw
Mr. Dan Miller & Mr. Carl Bechdel
Sheila Bedell
Charles Beers
Ms. Anne Bender
Ms. Kay Bender
Alexander Berkenhoff
Richard Bidgood & Ann Steiner
Thomas Billet
Ms. Katherine Bishop & Mr. Bruce Kreider
Mr. John Bittner lll
William Blando
Mr. Fred & Mrs. Heike Bloom
Mr. Roy & Mrs. Kathleen Blose
Mr. John & Mr. Giedrius Blotzer
Ms. Liz Boritt
Dr. Michael & Mrs. Tricia Bosak
Dr. Douglas & Mrs. Ann Bower
Mr. Robert & Mrs. Kathryn Boyle
Patrick & Judy Brady
Ms. Shirley Brandt
Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Nancy Brenner
David Bronstein
Nathan Brooks
Barclay & Jacquelynn Brooks
Mrs. Heidi & Mr. Martin Brooks
Mr. Eric Brossman & Ms. Catherine Walters
Ms. Rebecca Brown
Constance Brown
Melvin Brownold
Mrs. Diane Brubaker
Mr. J. Bruce & Mrs. Sally McKinney
Christin Buehler
Peggy Burdett
Mrs. Catherine & Dr. John Bush
Philip Calhoun
Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Romaine Campbell
Sean Campbell & Karen Jones
Mr. Anthony & Mrs. Stef Campisi
P. & Lucy Capp
Karla & David Carl
Jay & Carol Carr
Janet Carrol
Dr. Jan Nolting Carter
Mr. Alan & Mrs. Pamela Cashman
Dr. Keith Cheng & Dr. Shou Ling Leong
Carol & William Christ
Ms. Judith Chronister
Ms. Josele Cleary
Ms. Michele Cocco
Mr. Louis Cocheres
Gerald Cole
Mrs. Ruth Collins
Anthony & Britt Conte
Mr. Lawrence & Mrs. Sherri Cooney
Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Jane Cottonaro
Dr. Timothy & Jill & Ms. Jill Craig
John Kent Crawford
Karen Crouse
Ms. Patricia Davies
Ms. Elizabeth Deedy Davis
Surendra Davuluri
Mrs. Barbara Deans
Dr. Dennis Denenberg
Ms. Sharon Dick
Mr. Gary Diclemente
Mr. Torrence Dohl Jr
Mr. Tom & Mrs. Nancy Downing
Steve Doyle
Mr. Stephen Doyle
Mr. Luther Dromgold
Amy & Steve Duncan
Chris & Becky Dunlap
Mr. Benjamin Dunlap
Mr. John Dunn
Dr. Charles & Mrs. Angela Dye
Ms. Nancy Dyer
Brigadier General Earl & Mrs. Kathleen Kuhn
Mr. William & Mrs. Marilyn Ebel
Mrs. Miranda Echternach
Susan & Gerald Eckert
Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Lynn Edery
Mr. John & Mrs. Margaret Edwards
Janelle & Kenneth Egan
Dr. Janice Egeland
Ms. Phyllis Egger
Mr. Willard & Mrs. Carol Ellis
Erda Erdos
Stephanie Estes
Mr. Ronald & Mrs. Virginia Ettelman
Michael Evans
Mr. Reginald Evans
Mrs. Lucy Eyster
The WITF Anonymous Family
The Mr. William Renninger Family
Mr. C.D. & Mrs. Catherine Farr
Cassie Farrelly
Robert & Christy Fawcett
Priscilla Ferguson
Mrs. Patricia & Mr. Rolen Ferris
Mr. John & Mrs. Carolyn Fetter
Mr. Robert & Mrs. Karen Field
Ms. Carla Fisher
Ms. Sarah Young Fisher
Dr. Ingeborg Flenniken
J. & Janet Forney
Susan & Michael Forney
Mr. Keith & Mrs. Sharon Forsythe
Cornelia Foster
Dr. John & Dr. Pamela Foster
Mrs. Constance Foster
Mr. James Foster & Ms. Tracey Ash
Mr. Patricia Foulkrod
Lesley Franconi
Mrs. Ann Franklin
Sherri Freas
Mr. Eric Freedman
Mrs. Jennifer Frey
Dr. Thomas & Mrs. Kelly Fromuth
Mrs. Holly & Mr. Robert Frymoyer
Mahlon & Christine Fuller
Wendell Funk
John & Christine Furry
Josephine Gallagher
Sally Gambill & Churchill Pinder
Ronald Garman
Matthew Garner
Ms. Dolores Garrett
Torrance Gates
Jennifer Gilburg & Nick DeMagnin
Edward Giles
Ms. Vicki Glatfelter
Dr. Mark Goedecker
Barbara & Michel Goodstein
Mrs. Leslie Gorbey & Mr. John Beyer
Mrs. Kay Gorse
Leon Graff
Theodora Rapp Graham
Dr. Henry & Mrs. Patricia Greenawald
Mr. Duane & Mrs. Susan Greenly
Mr. Michael Greenwald
Mr. Robert & Mrs. Barbara Greenwood
Judith Grem
Anna Grigoryeva
Mr. Aaron & Mrs. Anna Groff
Ms. Peggy Grove
John & Virginia Hall
Virginia Hall MD
Ms. Kerry Halloren & Ms. Lisa Groff
Carol Hammond
Dr. John & Mrs. Ellen Harles
James Harnish
Mrs. Barbara & Mr. Jeffrey Harpel
Dr. Donald & Mrs. Lora Harper
Mr. Harvey & Mrs. Linda Freedenberg
Carolyn Haskell
Mrs. Sandra Haskins
Ms. Margaret Hathaway
Dr. Susan Havranek
Gary Hayes
Ms. Henrietta Heisler
Ira & Shelia Heller
Dr. Molly Henderson
Dr. Rex & Mrs. Lisa Herbert
Robert & Sharon Herr
Cindy & Don Hershey
Mr. Jake & Mrs. Ruth Hershey
Mrs. Linda Hersperger
Mr. Barry Hertzog
Kevin & Constance Hess
Dr. Ron Hetrick & Dr. Beth Campbell Hetrick
Sadie & Dale High
Mr. Tucker & Mrs. Gladys Hill
Ms. Nancy Hivner
Mr. James & Mrs. Leslie Hoehn
Tim & Cindy Hoehn
Kathleen Hogan
Nikole Hollins Sims
Mr. Charles & Mrs. Kathleen Hooker
Dr. Steven & Mrs. Debbie Horn
Leigh & AJ Horner
Dr. Daniel & Mrs. Patricia Hottenstein
The Jones Household
The Pigott Household
Ms. Carol Hozman
Michael & Penny Huber
Mrs. Lisa Huber
Mr. Martin Huber
Mrs. Barbara Hynum
Mr. Steven Izzo & Mrs. Jane Conover
Mrs. Ellen Jackson
Dr. Geoffrey & Mrs. Christine James
Beverly Jarrett
Mr. Thaddeus Jastrzebski & Ms. Laura Barta
Mr. Michael Jeffrey
Gillian Jenkins
Ms. Marilyn Jennerjohn
Mr. & Mrs. Dann & Michelle Johns
Mr. Dan Deibler & Ms. C. Johnson
Mr. Cameron Johnson
Mrs. Wendy Jones
Mr. Andrew & Dr. Kara Jones
Ms. Paula Jones
Densey Juvonen
Ronald & Barbara Kain
Mrs. Susan & Mr. Anthony Kar
Dr. Ruth & Mr. Jonas Kauffman
Mr. Christopher Kazmaier
Ms. Jeanine Keefer
Mrs. Robbyn & Mr. Matthew Kehoe
Mrs. Ruth & Mr. David Keim
Jack & Joan Kelley
Michael & Irma Kelly
Mrs. Catherin & Mr. Robert Kemmer
Patsy Kendall
Mrs. Eileen Kenessey
Mr. David & Mrs. Beverly Kennedy
Mr. Jeff Keyser
Mr. Robert & Dr. Joyce Killian
Jess King
Mrs. Anne Kinsley
Mr. Robert & Mrs. Deborah Kint
Mr. Harold Kivlan
Dr. Emily Klenin
Dr. Paul & Mrs. Kathleen Klink
Mr. Robert Kopcik
Dr. Donald Kovacs
Mr. Robert & Mrs. Hale Krasne
Mr. Dale & Mrs. Joan Kroeck
Mr. Loren & Mrs. Faye Kroh
Mr. Stephen & Mrs. Kathryn Krone
Mr. Paul & Mrs. Trudy Krueger
James & Linda Krut
Dr. Miodrag Kukrika
Mr. George Kunkel
Ms. Darlene Kvaternik
Brian & Barbara Labine
Mrs. Janeen LaFaver
Mr. Jeffrey & Mrs. Stephanie Laird
Amy Lambert
Mr. Michael Lambert & Mrs. Elizabeth Todd Lambert
Danette Laucks
David Laucks
Dr. Sam & Mrs. Jeanne Laucks
Jeff Lefevre & Stephanie Lawson
Mr. G. Michael & Mrs. Karen Leader
Ms. Joy Lederman
Mr. Charles Lee
Ms. Holly Leggett
Mr. Kenneth & Mrs. Karen Lehman
Mr. Jeffrey & Mrs. Leslie Lehman
Mrs. Beverlee Lehr
Sarah & Chris Lesser
Ms. Karen Linder
Mr. Marcus Lingenfelter
Thomas Little
Mr. Paul Lombardo
Ms. Christine Longenecker & Mr. Richard Shoup
Ms. Virginia Lowe
Barry Lukens
Regina Luto
Kristen Lutzkanin
Stephen Macdonald & Mary Warner
Tim & Lisa Maclean
Mr. David & Mrs. Phais Magill
Richard Mailman & Xuemei Huang
Mr. Richard Mansberger
Col. Julie Manta
Mr. Julian Mapp
Ms. Andrea Marceca
Ms. Patrcia Markowski
Ms. Patricia Martin
Jane & Claude Martin
Andrea & Bryan Martin
Frederick & Ruth Martin
Mr. Bruce Martin & Mr. John Haney
Ms. Mary Martindale
Donald & Judy Mayer
Mrs. Louise McCormick
Mrs. Catherine McCumber
Dr. Susan & Dr. Thomas McGarrity
John & Mary McGreevy
Patty McGuire
Ms. Andrea McKenna
Mr. Kevin McKeon & Ms. Mollie McCurdy
Mr. James & Mrs. Elaine Mead
Donald Meyer
Ms. Nancy Miller
Dr. Esther Miller
Bethany & John Miller
Roger & Ellen Miller
Ms. Myrna Minnich
Ms. Mridula & Dr. Gautam Mishra
Dr. Owen & Mrs. Kathleen Moe
Mrs. Sandra Moore Bair
Mrs. Mary Anne Morefield
Mr. Steve Morelli
Ms. Linda & Mr. Robert Morrow
Nancy Mosella
Ms. Barbara Moss
Dr. Karl Moyer
Dr. Frank & Mrs. Diana Mozdy
Dr. Janette Murray
Mr. William J Murray
Mr. Alfred Myers
Cory Nade
Marcel & Jennifer Nahm
Marcy Nechemias
Edward & Jeanne Neff
Mr. Jim & Mrs. Anne Newman
William & Kristina Newport
Ms. Tanya Nitterhouse
Mr. William & Mrs. Diane Nitterhouse
Mr. Kermit Norris
Armando Nunez
Ms. Joanne Judge & Mr. Rick Oppenheimer
Anne Orban
Ivo & Ellen Peters Otto
Shel Parker
Steven & Stephanie Parrett
Dr. Marilyn Parrish
Dr. Leland Patterson
William Patton & Mary Isenhour
Ms. Kathleen Pavelko
Mr. Allan & Mrs. Martha Pawlikowski
Katherine Pearson
Mr. Charles & Mrs. Virginia Pearson
Ms. Ann Pehle
Mrs. Cassandra & Mr. Eugene Pepinsky
Mrs. Susan & Mr. Albert Pera
Cheryl Peters
Mrs. Linda Pheasant
Lynn Phillips
Dr. William & Mrs. Theresa Pierce
Mr. Labros Pilalis
Dr. Joel Piperberg
Ms. Sara Poston & Mr. Chris Sciamanna
Timothy Potts & Lu Conser
Mr. Robert & Mrs. Donna Pullo
Christopher Putnam
Dr. Harold Rabin
Thad Rauhauser
Ms. Diana Reed
Joseph Regal
Mr. Jeffrey Rettig & Ms. Suzanne Donovan
Linda Rhen
Linda Rice
Tracy Richards
Peter Riley
Michelle Rinaldi
Ms. Jessica & Dr. Jeff Ritchie
Ms. Lisa Ritter
Edward & Barbara Robbins
Pastor Ed & Mrs. Barbara Robbins
Mr. Craig & Mrs. Susan Robertson
Judith Rogde
Charles Romberger
Mrs. Marie Roof
Donna & Stuart Roop
Mrs. Eudora Roseman
Mrs. Barbara & Mr. John Rotz
Mrs. Elizabeth Rushong
Mr. Rick & Mrs. Georgena Ruth
Sharon Ryan
Mrs. Cynthia & Mr. David Salisbury
Mr. William Sanders
Dr. John Sanstead
Erika & Brian Saunders
Mrs. Denise Saunders
Mrs. Alletta Schadler
Dr. William Schaeffer
Mrs. Laura Schanz
Mr. Robert Schmidlein & Ms. Patricia Carey
Edward & Nancy Schwentker
Mr. Richard & Mrs. Susan Seavey
Mr. Joseph Seibert
Mr. James Seidel
Nicholas & Jean Selch
Ms. Jean Sharf
Mr. Scott Shearer
Geoff & Tammy Shearer
Sharon & Paul Sherban
Mrs. Marjorie Sherman
Nathan Shields
Ralph I Shockey
Barb & Scott Shreve
Ms. Katherine Sibold
Mr. John & Mrs. Barbara Sieck
Conrad & Gail Siegel
Ms. Nancy Siehl
Mrs. Deidre & Mr. William Simmons
Mrs. Hilary Simpson
Mr. Edward Smith
Ms. Marta Smith
Janice Snyder
Kayla Snyder
Mr. Alex Snyder & Ms. April Ballou
Ms. Mary Soderberg & Mr. Michael Rish
Ms. Patricia Solomon
Ms. Stephanie Sopcak
Mr. John & Mrs. Katherine Spear
Mrs. Alyce Spector
Mr. James & Mrs. Carol Spicher
Gary Staton
Mr. Frank & Mrs. Cheryl Stearn
Ms. Luci Steele
James & Ann Steffel
Mr. Dennis & Mrs. Julie Steffy
Mr. Daniel & Mrs. Georgia Steinbacher
Deborah Steinman
Constance & Bradley Stell
Mrs. Sylvia Stephenson
Mrs. Gail & Dr. Irving Sterman
Mr. Robert Sternberg & Ms. Susanne Nimmrichter
Frederick & Carol Stine
Mrs. Kathleen L & Dr. Drew Stoken
Mrs. Elizabeth & Mr. Max Stoner
Marvin & Linda Stouffer
Mr. William Street
Mr. David & Mrs. Linda Stuart
Dr. Jill Sunday & Mr. James Bartoli
Mr. Peter Swan & Ms. Barb Krasuski
Mr. Michael & Mrs. Mary Taboga
Mark & Judy Taddonio
Mr. James Taggart & Prof. Carole Counihan
Ms. Catherine Tama Troutman
David Taylor
Mr. Gregory Thayer
Mr. James & Mrs. Judy Thomas
Mrs. Anna & Mr. Roger Thomas
Mr. Kenneth Thompson
Mr. John & Mrs. Abigail Tierney
Ms. Barbara Townsend
Dr. Melissa Tribuzio
James & Liza Troutman
Ms. Helena Tuleya Payne
Dr. Richard & Dr. Rachelle Turosinski
Mr. Dave Tyson
Mr. Barry & Mrs. Susan Unger
The Honorable Patricia Vance
Mary Veitch
Margot Vigeant
Fred Vigeant
Alan Wadsworth
Ms. Kay & Mr. Murrel Walters
Ms. Catherine Walters
Dr. Samuel Ward
Mr. Paul & Mrs. Judy Ware
Nathaniel Warren
Mr. Justin Weber
Mike & Sandy Wege
Mr. Jimmy Wendt
Mr. Philip Wenger & Mr. Steve Dinnocenti
Mr. R. Timothy & Mrs. Mary Weston
Mrs. Ariana R Wheeler
Metza Whiteley
Ms. Kathleen Wildauer
Mr. David & Mrs. Julia Wilderman
Mr. William Wilkey
Mr. Bill Wilkey
Mr. Matthew & Mrs. Carla Wilson
John Witmer
Rev. Marilyn Witte
Ms. Janet Wolgemuth
Mrs. Elena & Mr. Rich Wolman
Mr. Richard & Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Wood
Susan & David Wood
Ms. Linda Woodin
Daniel Yeager
Byard & Judy Yoder
Mr. Berwood Yost & Dr. Christina Abbott
Mr. Luther & Mrs. Kim Zarfoss
David Zegers
Jane Zendarski
Thank you
We couldn’t do it without you
Laura Campbell, Moderator
New Bloomfield
James Bennett, Leola
Rita Boer**, Lancaster
Ron Boltz, Pine Grove
Ryan Cohick**, Camp Hill
Jean Corey**, Harrisburg
Karla DeJesus**, Harrisburg
M. Travis DiNicola, Harrisburg
Emily Ferguson, Camp Hill
Diamonic “Dom” Holmes, Hershey
Michael Huber, Campbelltown
Kevin Juliano**, Mechanicsburg
Matthew Koons, Harrisburg
Robert Landon**, Lancaster
Charles M. Lee, Middletown
Sherry Lookofsky, York
Laila Martin Garcia, Harrisburg
Sandra McCoy, Mechanicsburg
Bernardo Michael**, Camp Hill
Elspeth Moffatt, Lancaster
Megan Peterson, Elizabethtown
Emmalynne Rosser**, Harrisburg
Jose Santiago, York
Rev. Michael Scalzi**, Palmyra
Joel Sears, York
Joseph Stafford, Dallastown
Amber Strazzo, Lancaster
**partial term
Alex Snyder, Chair, York
Michael Barley, Lititz
Susan Eckert, Lancaster
Ron Hetrick, III, Hershey
David Kennedy, York
Lisa Ritter, Harrisburg
Diedre Simmons, Lancaster
Janice Snyder, Camp Hill
Sandra Wege, Lancaster
The Anne M. & Philip H. Glatfelter, III Family Foundation
The Arthur J. & Lee R. Glatfelter Foundation
Corporation for Public Broadcasting
The Donald B. and Dorothy L. Stabler Foundation
The Foundation for Enhancing Communities
Fred Rogers Company
John Crain Kunkel Foundation
Lancaster County Community Foundation
The Loud Hound Foundation
McCormick Family Foundation
The Miami Foundation
Pennsylvania Council on the Arts
Pennsylvania News Media Association Foundation
PNC Foundation
Solutions Journalism Network
The Steinman Foundation
Truist Foundation
Wyncote Foundation
York County Community Foundation
Goodwill Keystone Area
Capital Blue Cross
The Hershey Company
Select Medical
Cornwall Manor
Pleasant View Communities
Elizabethtown College
Smigel, Anderson & Sacks
Penn State Harrisburg
Lebanon Valley College
Willow Valley Communities
Fort Pitt Capital Group
Arthur Funk & Sons Inc.
Lancaster County Community Foundation
Allied Milk Producers
City of Philadelphia Department of Public Health
AES Hearth & Patio
Central Pennsylvania Food Bank
Rodgers & Associates
G.R. Sponaugle

Pennon Education’s Explore in the Classroom program engaged nearly 1,600 K-3 learners in 237 classrooms and distributed approximately 5,000 children’s books. We received state approval to expand to grades K-12, providing STEM and information literacy and out-of-school time programs, such as youth voice digital creators programs and summer camps.

Asia Tabb was announced as The Spark’s new host following the retirement of Scott LaMar. She joined a team built from the ground up with David Payne, Emma Halsey and John Kinzer.

Finding Your Roots has investigated celebrities’ personal history and stories since 2012. For the first time, the series also investigated the history of “viewers like you,” including local resident Megan Robertson. WITF celebrated with a screening and genealogy fair where local organizations shared genealogy resources and Megan discussed her journey.

Ready, Set, Explore community engagement events are designed by Pennon Education to bring together families, educators and community organizations to spark curiosity and lifelong learning. In the past year, we explored urban gardening and aquaponics, digital creation, robotics, engineering and multilingual literacy.

WITF previewed the much-anticipated documentary from Henry Louis Gates, Jr. at Shippensburg University. WITF screened clips from the documentary and hosted a panel discussion to dig deeper into local connections with the topics raised in the film. Panelists included Elder Jamar Johnson, Pastor Joshua Robertson and Rev. Dr. SimmieRay L. Niang-Dinkins.

WITF hosted several News & Brews this year alongside journalists from LNP|LancasterOnline. These events connect community members directly with our journalists to share the issues that are most important to them, allowing WITF to better serve our community with the news they need.

WITF piloted a new initiative called WITF Creator Academy, which connects WITF professionals with college or university students for production-focused coaching. Three talented students produced videos about the election, a day in the life of a college radio station and exploring east coast tourist locations. Find samples of their work on WITF’s YouTube channel, Mosaic.

WITF worked with partner newsrooms to host A Candidate’s Night to Listen at Harrisburg Area Community College. Pennsylvania’s 10th Congressional District candidates met with small groups of potential voters to hear about the topics important to them. Topics from those discussions later guided a conversation with candidates on stage.

This has been a year of significant transition for WITF’s daily conversation, The Spark.
A major milestone was the retirement of The Spark’s longtime host, Scott LaMar, whose decades of experience helped shape The Spark into the vibrant and engaging program it is today. From interviewing emerging local leaders to former First Lady Michelle Obama, Scott led thousands of interviews over the years as host of SmartTalk and The Spark.
In May, we celebrated Scott’s incredible career with a heartfelt sendoff featuring former colleagues, noteworthy guests and regular contributors who reflected on his lasting impact.
As we bid farewell to Scott, we also looked to the future, welcoming Asia Tabb as the show’s new host. The evolution hasn’t stopped there. The team is exploring new guests and fresh segments to bring more focus to the show.